Saturday, November 24, 2007

Real Beauty...Where Is It?

I'm all about exposing our society for the type of people that we can be. The above DOVE commercial, I must say is one of the best "tell all" commercials that I've ever soon. The whole purpose of this was to show the women of today and the upcoming women (who are currently little girls in middle school) of today that real beauty is natural. Now, please don't get me wrong, I am pro-make-up. I wear it...just not everyday...mainly on special occasions.

But I think that people have gotten this twisted idea that real beauty is what we see on the TV and in magazines...the truth is, it's the complete opposite. So, I commend DOVE for opening our eyes to the type of world that we are really living in.

The Size of the Package

In chapter 7 of our textbook, we talked about packaging...a very important piece because if your product or service is not viewed to the consumer as appealing, then you're not going to sell that product or service. Lets take McDonald's for instance. The commercials that they make are apart of their package. The purposely make the fries, drinks, and burgers to look extra-juicy, delicious, and everything that our minds think that those items will be when we eat them. But, then when we get to the stores...they look nothing like the pictures. But, McDonald's still did their job of getting you to the store.