Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Power of Marketing

Before I started taking any Marketing classes, I used to think that ads don't affect me in any way...I thought any types of marketing only influenced people who were weak-minded. Now, after learning a few things for class, and also from the Marketing 424 class that I'm taking, I've realized that I fall into that "weak-minded" stereo-type that I had created.

Now, I realized that marketing is apart of the society that we live in. And without it, we wouldn't know about the various products that are available to us...not just to consume for our satisfaction, but also for products that we need for everyday life such as food, jobs, or even clothing. Without marketing, we wouldn't know what's going on in the world of consumer buying.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's amazing how much our lives are influenced by marketing/advertising. As you continue in this area of study, you will come to learn all types of marketing strategies that are used in today’s society; from exciting to dull or creative to, at times, deceiving. There’s so much to learn! Don't forget this learning experience you just described, as there are several folks out there that still are, as you say "weak-minded." They may never have the opportunity to learn more about this topic such as you have. Use that to your advantage and learn as much as you can about the marketing world around you; knowing how to get into a consumer’s mind is what will make you a successful marketer one day!

Thanks for sharing your learning experience!