Friday, September 7, 2007

Ethics in Marketing Communication

After reading chapter 3 of our text, as well as seeing some of the clips for Thursdays class, I still will hold true to my thoughts about how marketing agencies are playing a fair game. My thought is that no matter who we as a society market to, it is still left up to the consumers on whether or not they will purchase to products that are presented to them.

An example of such is that of all of the different drugs that are advertised each day, like we talked about in class. The one thing that still strikes me as being odd is that, not matter how much the commercials disclose all of the information about how some(if not all) drugs have side-affects. An example of such is like the drug Celebrex. During the commercial, the information of the side-affects are given such as drowsiness, bleeding, dry on and soforth. Now, after that information is given, and the consumer still decides to part-take of that particular drug, they are accountable of the outcome, because they have been warned.


Professor Sanghvi said...

what do you think of the pharmaceutical companies marketing disease?

Peaches said...

I don't think that pharmaceutical companies are marketing diseases. Rather, I think that some companies see an opportunity to one; make money, and for two; to possibly help with curing some diseases.