Saturday, November 24, 2007

Real Beauty...Where Is It?

I'm all about exposing our society for the type of people that we can be. The above DOVE commercial, I must say is one of the best "tell all" commercials that I've ever soon. The whole purpose of this was to show the women of today and the upcoming women (who are currently little girls in middle school) of today that real beauty is natural. Now, please don't get me wrong, I am pro-make-up. I wear it...just not everyday...mainly on special occasions.

But I think that people have gotten this twisted idea that real beauty is what we see on the TV and in magazines...the truth is, it's the complete opposite. So, I commend DOVE for opening our eyes to the type of world that we are really living in.


Megan's Blogs said...

Society today is spending way to much on altering how people look. I was watching tv the other and it was talking about how the majority of pictures in magazines have been altered. Some of the picture are made up of many different pictures. I think it is great that DOVE is making the world more aware of this. The tv special also mentioned how some celebrities are refusing to have their pictures altered.

RCS 362 Crystal/Katie said...

I work as an Esthetician, so I am faced everyday with women and men who want to "change" their skin, their brows, and their faces. I consitently remind my clients that just because so and so has brows like that, doesn't mean you need to. I also reassure them that yes, you get wrinkles. Yes, you have breakouts. There is no escape. The focus needs to be on each individual and promoting the wellness of their bodies. When all of us have professional air brushing for all photos, stylists, and makeup artists- oh yeah, and a never ending bank account- then we can begin comparing ourselves to these women on television and in magazines. DOVE is making a huge leap in the history of women and how we should be appreciated.

Shelby said...

WOW I love that commercial. I saw that commercial a while back and i cant believe of what our society sees has beauty. these young girls are striving to be like them however they are already are. They just dont know it.

Maria and Lauren said...

i love the dove ads. i agree with you that society spends way to much time and money on how people look. i think its great that celebrities are not allowing their pics in magazine and other places to not be altered. the dove ad is so real and shows how real women are. the ad shows how there are many different women that come in different sizes and shapes.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I think that DOVE does a really good job telling the world that any woman can be naturally beautiful. They use every type of women in their ads, every body shape, and every hair color. Woman today feel like they have to do so much to their bodies and have to look a certain way to be beautiful.